
Grow Studio- Our Story

In 2016, we were just a couple of oilfield workers with big dreams and an eye for quick fortunes. We stumbled upon Antshares, a smart contract platform affectionately dubbed "The Chinese Ethereum," and quickly became die-hard community members. Little did we know that our involvement would lead to a pivotal moment in our journey.

The blockchain world was a wild west—full of potential but often lacking direction and professional marketing support due to the fact most professional agencies didn't understand the tech, and to “no-coiners” it was still just magic internet money. Antshares was one of those diamonds in the rough, brimming with promise but needing a push to shine.

As passionate supporters, we saw an opportunity to make a difference. Along with other devoted community members, we pitched a bold idea: rebrand Antshares to NEO. This wasn’t just about a name change; it was about redefining the project’s identity and showcasing its true potential.

Fueled by our belief in the project (and perhaps a bit too much caffeine), we threw ourselves into the rebranding effort. Despite not getting paid a dime, we worked tirelessly, convinced that a stronger identity would unite the community and attract the attention NEO deserved.

The project team trusted us and gave us the green light. We launched the rebrand, including a full website overhaul, with equal parts excitement and anxiety, knowing we were taking a gamble but believing in the teams vision to the extent we were willing to sacrifice our time, learn new skills and actively drive the project forward.

Antshares’ value skyrocketed over 200x in the 18 month period after becoming NEO. Of course none of the community take credit for that success but you better believe we felt a major part of it.

For us, this success story highlighted the power of a passionate, empowered community. The rebranding effort brought the project team closer to the community, revealing the immense potential of supporter-driven initiatives and the experience left a mark on us that would eventually lead to the business we are running today.

I’d love to say it was all sunshine and rainbows from there onward but by 2019,  the market (our bags) crashed by 90%, turning our dreams of quick riches and early retirement for our mums into a harsh joke. We were asking our moms to eat their Cornflakes with a fork so we could reuse the milk. Even in these tough times, the incredible community kept us going.

In 2020, as the market began to recover, Dougie and I revisited our experiences. We dusted off our notepad (packed with 24-word seed phrases to countless dusty digital wallets) and decided to turn our hard-earned lessons into something valuable for newcomers. We wanted to help them avoid the mistakes we made.

Our advice hit home, and our role evolved from retail noobs to trusted educators. As demand for our content grew, we formed a diverse team of creators from the very communities we cherished. We brought together talent in writing, graphic design, art, and animation from Germany, the Netherlands, the USA, Australia, Sri Lanka, and the Philippines.

Thus, Grow Studio was born. We named ourselves "Grow" because that’s what we were doing—growing as individuals, friends, and value creators. We helped teams turn their visions into reality.

Through countless hours of community collaboration, we evolved into an organized, sought-after creative studio, serving some of the most exciting teams in Web3. We foster a culture of inclusivity and opportunity, valuing passion over credentials.

Today, Grow Studio has generated over $3 million in revenue and created impactful jobs in underserved regions. For the last three years, we have combined top-tier creative talent with our unique understanding of Web3 to help AAA teams entertain and educate their Fanbase.

Our vision for Grow Studio going forward is one inspired by our journey so far; Utilize Web3 to empower underserved superfans by facilitating organized co-creation and simplified peer production, enabling them to actively participate in and shape the future of a Fanchise—a franchise powered by its fans.


Grow Studio- Our Story

In 2016, we were just a couple of oilfield workers with big dreams and an eye for quick fortunes. We stumbled upon Antshares, a smart contract platform affectionately dubbed "The Chinese Ethereum," and quickly became die-hard community members. Little did we know that our involvement would lead to a pivotal moment in our journey.

The blockchain world was a wild west—full of potential but often lacking direction and professional marketing support due to the fact most professional agencies didn't understand the tech, and to “no-coiners” it was still just magic internet money. Antshares was one of those diamonds in the rough, brimming with promise but needing a push to shine.

As passionate supporters, we saw an opportunity to make a difference. Along with other devoted community members, we pitched a bold idea: rebrand Antshares to NEO. This wasn’t just about a name change; it was about redefining the project’s identity and showcasing its true potential.

Fueled by our belief in the project (and perhaps a bit too much caffeine), we threw ourselves into the rebranding effort. Despite not getting paid a dime, we worked tirelessly, convinced that a stronger identity would unite the community and attract the attention NEO deserved.

The project team trusted us and gave us the green light. We launched the rebrand, including a full website overhaul, with equal parts excitement and anxiety, knowing we were taking a gamble but believing in the teams vision to the extent we were willing to sacrifice our time, learn new skills and actively drive the project forward.

Antshares’ value skyrocketed over 200x in the 18 month period after becoming NEO. Of course none of the community take credit for that success but you better believe we felt a major part of it.

For us, this success story highlighted the power of a passionate, empowered community. The rebranding effort brought the project team closer to the community, revealing the immense potential of supporter-driven initiatives and the experience left a mark on us that would eventually lead to the business we are running today.

I’d love to say it was all sunshine and rainbows from there onward but by 2019,  the market (our bags) crashed by 90%, turning our dreams of quick riches and early retirement for our mums into a harsh joke. We were asking our moms to eat their Cornflakes with a fork so we could reuse the milk. Even in these tough times, the incredible community kept us going.

In 2020, as the market began to recover, Dougie and I revisited our experiences. We dusted off our notepad (packed with 24-word seed phrases to countless dusty digital wallets) and decided to turn our hard-earned lessons into something valuable for newcomers. We wanted to help them avoid the mistakes we made.

Our advice hit home, and our role evolved from retail noobs to trusted educators. As demand for our content grew, we formed a diverse team of creators from the very communities we cherished. We brought together talent in writing, graphic design, art, and animation from Germany, the Netherlands, the USA, Australia, Sri Lanka, and the Philippines.

Thus, Grow Studio was born. We named ourselves "Grow" because that’s what we were doing—growing as individuals, friends, and value creators. We helped teams turn their visions into reality.

Through countless hours of community collaboration, we evolved into an organized, sought-after creative studio, serving some of the most exciting teams in Web3. We foster a culture of inclusivity and opportunity, valuing passion over credentials.

Today, Grow Studio has generated over $3 million in revenue and created impactful jobs in underserved regions. For the last three years, we have combined top-tier creative talent with our unique understanding of Web3 to help AAA teams entertain and educate their Fanbase.

Our vision for Grow Studio going forward is one inspired by our journey so far; Utilize Web3 to empower underserved superfans by facilitating organized co-creation and simplified peer production, enabling them to actively participate in and shape the future of a Fanchise—a franchise powered by its fans.

